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Competition: Ulus Modern Culture and Art Center National Architecture Competition

(ABB Ankara Metropolitan Municipality)

Period: May - August 2021

Type/Program: Architectural Design, Culture

Surface: 12.000 m2

Location: Ulus/Ankara, Turkey

Status: National Competition

Team: Özge ZABUN(M.Arch.-Lead Architect), Hande ZABUN ESER(M.Arch.),

Zeynep AKDEMÄ°R(Arch.), Pelin GÜR(Arch.)


The proposed building for the Ulus Modern Culture and Art Centre has been developed by questioning the relationships between place and building and the relationships that shape the formation of buildings such as mass - programme - space. Taking into consideration the scale and schedule of the surrounding buildings, the proposed structure has been shaped to allow spaces (public openings). The design structure is grouped under 6 main headings: Conference Hall and Exhibition Mass, Library Mass, Workshops and Sales Units, Street Modern, Stage Modern, Woods and Trees.


It aims to bring new interpretations and spatial responses to publicity with the created street, amphitheatre, stage, building blocks, woods and tree elements. Spaces such as galleries, terraces, foyers and intermediate areas within the building and between the blocks have been made part of the programme. A form of grammar was formed by juxtaposing the parts of the required programme specified in the brief. In this formation design area, open terraces and the ‘Modern’ stage were designed based on the view of Sulu Han. The design was created with an understanding of urban relationships. It is not only based on the coming together of the programs as a mass organization, but also on the organization and program of the spaces. In order to open up to the city, the full masses use spaces such as the Street ‘Modern’, the Stage ‘Modern’ and the upper floor terraces.

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