
Competition: UNI.xyz Live x Learn Skyscraper Design Challenge
Period: 2021
Type/Program: Architectural Concept Design
Status: International Competition, PEOPLE CHOICE
Team: Özge ZABUN(M.Arch.-Leed Architect), Hande ZABUN ESER(M.Arch.), Pelin GÜR (Arch.),
Ecrin AKKAYA (Arch. Student)
Related Link: https://www.nonarchitecture.eu/2021/12/15/ rotate-90/
Rotate 90° is located near the metro station in the Levent district of Istanbul. Components such as transport, roads and public spaces, which exist in the current urban life that develop in a horizontal direction, are constructed by turning the axis of the city to the vertical in the design proposal. In the project, it serves as the main spine carrier and transport by connecting to the existing metro line. The lines that form the main axes of the vertical city are differentiated by their red-green-blue colors. The red line represents living, the blue line represents learning and the green line represents togetherness. The aim is to link these different functions with spaces of coexistence, which are shared cultural and social interactions. The lines become stops at the points where they intersect. They are in vertical, fluid, continuous movement, connected at each stop they touch. While these intersections allow them to support each other as structures, they also strengthen the relationship between transport levels as transfer stops. The metro network, which forms the main axis of the vertical city, is the basic transport system for the building and connects the programs at different levels. The living, learning, and sticky units that are attached to these structures are connected to the streets on the horizontal plane. The ‘street’ has been designed to surround the structure as corridors. They connect the living, learning, and association spaces horizontally. The streets in the corridor structure create opportunities for interaction. They reveal new forms of relationships between programs.